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Our little life. Shout out to Tina Clewes and Chris Barron. Thank you for your support!

Updated: Aug 9, 2018

Today we brought in a beautiful Prince of Wales Parakeet. She is 10 years old and absolutely wonderful. Already stepping up and not biting and we have had her home for literally 10 minutes. I will add pictures soon. We currently have 34 lovey birds.

7 Budgies - Greenie, Blue, Kiwi, Skittles, Powder, Zelda, Link

6 Finches - LB and the rest. (They all look really alike except for LB)

5 Cockatiels - Poojey, Pitre, Romeo, Retta, Chi-Chi

5 Doves - Rosie, Biscuit, Cuteness, Knuckles, Angel

4 Parrotlets - Zazu, Perry, Emmy, Fester

3 Lovebirds - Squeakers, Itchy, Scratchy

3 Conures - Beakers, Celeste, Sally

1 Prince of Whales Parakeet - Daisy

Some of my stock can breed but all birds are currently on breeding break. If you are interested in a cockatiel, parrotlet or dove I can breed those. I am not at the moment as I am working on getting my aviary better set up in order to do so. It is also healthy for them to not be factory bred. I will never let my birds be bred constantly. It's not good for them at all. Just a little blurb about our babies. I will post more as time goes on. I am working on updating this site and getting donations. I have had some people donate.

Donations are very appreciated. is where we have donating set up currently.

Tina Clewes, Chris Barron

Thank you for your donations. Your donations made it so we were able to bring in 8 more birds to give homes to. It also purchased 8 bags of food, many of our birds are not on the same diet, dishes, perches and toys. We really appreciate your support and love.

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